Adoption Stories

Our journey of adoption was long like most, but seems to have always been leading us toward Adoption Services of Spokane. Then overnight, we became parents. After years of hoping and absolutely no prep time, we were offered the greatest gift anyone could ever give. And just as we felt our feet come to the ground and found our groove as parents, they called again! Brothers. We love their birthmother’s guts. We love her strong will. We think of her and praise her bravery every single day. What an amazing adventure she gave these boys – the opportunity of life together in a safe, loving home. Our lives have been forever blessed by our experience with Nancy and Maureen. Their understanding and guidance were honest and real. They offered calm, encouragement and reassurance in one of the most scary times of our lives.

Rich & Becky Henselen
Spokane, WA

I got help so that I was safe and had housing. They helped me find a great couple for my baby. I love the agency and love the people who adopted my baby!


I was homeless and pregnant and these ladies were there to help me right when I needed it.


Maureen and Nancy helped lay the foundation for our intricate relationship built between birth parents and us.  While building these new relationships, they helped us to feel secure and confident in our unique situation. Chad and I now have 2 amazing birth mothers that have become a part of our family. We come together as a family and visit with them as often as life will allow. The levels of openness and communication have grown between all of us over the years as we have all been very open to “open adoption.”

Having the birth parent’s spend time with the boys is healthy, and we have always wanted them to be loved by as many people as possible.  So, to deny that relationship would be unnatural for us.  As time goes on, we realize that birth and adoptive don’t matter as much as just being family, being honest and truthful for the sake of the boys. As these relationship’s were established for THEIR well-being.

Open adoption has been a great journey that has brought us not only our 3 beautiful boys but also additional family members whom we love and respect with our whole hearts.

Chad & Brionn Tripp
Spokane, WA

I am overwhelmed with joy that Michelle has these parents. I know I could not have given her the life she has had.

Diana Hurley
Birthmother to Michelle Hundrup
Spokane, WA

My adoption story is about three words … destiny, friendship and control. It was my destiny to be where I was raised  And as an adult I am now in charge of a friendship … she is not a mother figure but a friend who cares about me.

Michelle Hundrup
19-Year-Old Adoptee
Spokane, WA

There are not words to describe what it feels like to be given a child. Our daughter’s birthmother gave this little girl life, carried her, and then had selfless presence of mind to consider that someone else might be in a better place to give her all that she needs.

Sarah F.
Anacortes, WA

Nancy was right there when I needed her. She always comes through. This place is so wonderful.


I have had to place several of my children for adoption, four through Adoption Services of Spokane. I was never in a place where I could raise a child and I knew I could trust them to help me find the right family.. Knowing that I can see my children’s adoptive families is cool because it feels like I am hanging out with old friends.

Lydia Ortiz

We are so thankful for Maureen and Nancy’s expertise in working with adoptive and birth parents. They guided us through the unknown and were always there to answer the many questions these nervous “parents-to-be” had. They made everything work smoothly and we were given the sweetest little girl who has made our family complete!

The Martin Family
Liberty Lake WA

We felt in good hands the entire time with Nancy and Maureen’s decades of adoption experience.  We felt supported, guided and protected.  They are respectful and empathetic to the birth parents and do their best to guide them as well both during and after the adoption.  Love truly makes a family and Maureen and Nancy help foster that love from the very beginning.

The Carper Family
Spokane, WA